
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fuck the kids.

I am the future, throw a throwback on my back and bitches will tell you there is nobody cuter. Part the legs like a lil kids haircut and hit the chooter. Seriously, I am the future. You can see that shit in my eyes. I am so smooth I could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves. I can turn water into wine by adding wine to water. I can chat a bitch up on the phone while watching Sportscenter and still pretend I am paying attention to every word she is saying. Fuck global warming, I am a walking solar panel. I am so cold chicken soup couldn't help me. This has been a paid advertisement from Baliwala Unlimited. A one man group that will fuck your girlfriend on his motorcycle whilst thinking about a turkey sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. You are not the future. That sucked. Hope the turkey is halal.


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