Monday, December 26, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
You claim to lead such a busy life, how to do you find time to let people on Facebook know how hectic things are? If you've had failed relationships of every dynamic, how come you haven't thought that you might be the problem? If you try to sing or dance and people ridicule you, why call them haters instead of taking their criticism? If your boss writes you up at work, why get upset with them? Why not get off your cell phone and stop texting smileys to retarded? If people tell you that your body odor is horrendous, why lie to them and say you take 3 showers a day? If you're a girl and continuously get your heart broken, why not stop throwing your vagina into every guy's face, instead of thinking all men are dogs? If you're a guy and continuously get your heartbroken by women, why not stop being a Olympic sized bitch boy, and start being a man? Guys, instead of cock-blocking every dude you come in contact with, why not work on how to speak females instead? Girls, instead of calling the girl who is friends a lot of males a slut, why don't you work on being more approachable? If people make fun of the way you speak English, why not work on it instead of thinking you do not need to speak the language of the United States to get places? I am Baliwala. I like to ponder.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Some sayings to live by
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't hug it.
You give a man a fish, or you can teach him how to Dougie.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. He remained there for several minutes to enjoy the weather.
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, what's for dinner?
Opinions are like assholes: they're covered with underwear.
A mind is a terrible thing to taste because it is uncooked.
A penny earned is a violation of labor laws.
The early bird does not get enough sleep.
Don't put all your eggs into one pocket.
The more things change, the longer Obama has been in office.
If you can't stand the heat, drink water.
Keep your friends close, and your child closer.
There is no Z in team.
Take it with a grain of coriander powder.
Money is the root of all economic systems.
You think I'm stupid? I wasn't born a fortnight ago.
Beauty is in the eye of the tiger.
The acorn doesn't fall too far from the ceiling.
You give a man a fish, or you can teach him how to Dougie.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. He remained there for several minutes to enjoy the weather.
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, what's for dinner?
Opinions are like assholes: they're covered with underwear.
A mind is a terrible thing to taste because it is uncooked.
A penny earned is a violation of labor laws.
The early bird does not get enough sleep.
Don't put all your eggs into one pocket.
The more things change, the longer Obama has been in office.
If you can't stand the heat, drink water.
Keep your friends close, and your child closer.
There is no Z in team.
Take it with a grain of coriander powder.
Money is the root of all economic systems.
You think I'm stupid? I wasn't born a fortnight ago.
Beauty is in the eye of the tiger.
The acorn doesn't fall too far from the ceiling.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Let me
Tell you about my Saturday night. Unlike most of you who probably caroused around town and visited the local pubs and discos, or engaged in other unholy acts involving bodily fluids, I decided to stay home to watch the Manny Pacquiao vs. Juan Manuel Marquez fight. I am a huge fan of boxing and it's probably my favorite sport to watch. I found a link to watch it online for free. If I were to order to it on Pay Per View it would have been about 50 dollars. As a cobbler, this is beyond my means especially in this economy. At about 7:30 my power went out. Oh great. It usually takes the power company about 2 hours to restore power. Sometimes it takes longer. I started to get into a crabby mood, but to my fortune it came back on in 10 minutes. Oh yea! Lucky for anybody around me because if I don't get to see my boxing, I'm like a kid in Toys R Us who doesn't get what he wants. Fast forward 3 hours, the power goes out again. As soon as it did I yelled out "YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" That was just a front to hide my fear. I totally didn't expect it to go out a second time, so I was shook. I won't lie. The fight was going to come on in less than an half hour. I went outside to see if anybody else lost power. It was only out on my side of the street. The first time it was out as far as I could see, and both times ambulance and firetruck sirens were heard. Something was up. Then my neighbor came out and started speaking, which scared the shit out of me. Then a cop drove up and asked if my power was out. Something was up. I felt like I was starring in a horror movie and it was about a half hour in, right before the first kill occurs. So you know what I did? I went right back inside. That's right. I wasn't going to be brave. No way. I'm very clumsy. I would've tripped on a twig and broke a bone. I called the power company over and over out of boredom. The power finally came back on and I got to enjoy the fight. That was close. I am Baliwala. My electricity runs on a third world country system.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Small things that annoy me
-People who jog with change in their pockets. Stop telling the world you have 32 cents.
-Guys who wear skinny jeans. I'm afraid you're going to start booty clapping out of nowhere.
-Thick framed glasses. You're not Buddy Holiday. Google it.
-Cigarettes that aren't lit all the way. It's the only time you'll see me sucking on something.
-The headphones from Dr. Dre. $400 for a pair? Fuck outta here.
-People who resent their race. The darker the berry, the more white-washed the person is.
-Guys who say bro all the time. We are not related. Stop saying that.
-People who take 2 sips of liquor and claim to be drunk. I just checked my pockets and I'm all out of attention.
-Red lipstick on girls. It's always looked trashy to me for some reason.
-Girls that ask me do their homework. Pay me first.
-Girls with ugly feet. I've been through this before.
-Guys who get their eyebrows done. The only arches you are allowed to mess with are the ones associated with McDonald's.
-People who talk to their pets as if they're human. You're not Dr. Dolittle.
-Wide ruled paper. It's just plain ugly.
-People who hate politicians but know absolutely nothing about politics. Read a book.
-Channing Tatum. Once again, I've been through this before.
-The debit option for bank cards. I have never and probably will never use that option.
-Unfluffed pillows. Nothing more needs to be said.
-People who laugh at their own jokes. Your chuckles do not count.
-People who returns texts 48 hours or later. What's the point?
-White shoes. Get dirty way too fast.
-Guys who wear skinny jeans. I'm afraid you're going to start booty clapping out of nowhere.
-Thick framed glasses. You're not Buddy Holiday. Google it.
-Cigarettes that aren't lit all the way. It's the only time you'll see me sucking on something.
-The headphones from Dr. Dre. $400 for a pair? Fuck outta here.
-People who resent their race. The darker the berry, the more white-washed the person is.
-Guys who say bro all the time. We are not related. Stop saying that.
-People who take 2 sips of liquor and claim to be drunk. I just checked my pockets and I'm all out of attention.
-Red lipstick on girls. It's always looked trashy to me for some reason.
-Girls that ask me do their homework. Pay me first.
-Girls with ugly feet. I've been through this before.
-Guys who get their eyebrows done. The only arches you are allowed to mess with are the ones associated with McDonald's.
-People who talk to their pets as if they're human. You're not Dr. Dolittle.
-Wide ruled paper. It's just plain ugly.
-People who hate politicians but know absolutely nothing about politics. Read a book.
-Channing Tatum. Once again, I've been through this before.
-The debit option for bank cards. I have never and probably will never use that option.
-Unfluffed pillows. Nothing more needs to be said.
-People who laugh at their own jokes. Your chuckles do not count.
-People who returns texts 48 hours or later. What's the point?
-White shoes. Get dirty way too fast.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
To what some of you might believe, I'm not an angry person. I am usually upbeat because I've had a very fortunate life. I've never had a cavity. I've never had to wear glasses or contacts. I've never broken a bone. I've never been arrested. I've never broken a girl's heart, well not on purpose at least. I've never had surgery. I've had and still do have amazing friends. My family has beyond supportive in whatever I do. I've never been in debt. I've never gone to sleep on an empty stomach. I've attended good schools with amazing teachers. My cell phone has never died when I really needed to use it. Even though I've been knocked down figuratively and literally, I've always gotten back up. I've never lost something of major value. I'm from the greatest city on Earth; Chicago. I am Baliwala. Anytime you think your life sucks, take a second and do what I just did. You might just find it isn't so bad. That is all.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
My family who visited me left, I received a phone call. More on that later. I had my cousins over. It was a great time. The oldest one, who is 16 and goes to the same high school I attended, is a genius. This kid walks around with a rubrics cube and solves it like nobody's business. Who the hell does that? Geniuses. That's who. The youngest of the bunch, who is 6, is a master of video games. Now I realize why people have kids. They're amazing, but enough of that. After they left the house phone rang. I picked up and was greeted in Urdu. A woman from an Islamic website wanted me to buy something. Usually I just hang up or say I'm not interested, but not this time. I waited and politely told her in Urdu that I was Hindu. I then told her that I celebrated Diwali just two days before and this call was very offending. I waited for a response. There was none. I repeatedly said hello, but nothing was said in return. This is when I realized that she hung up on me. Hopefully nobody from that company will call again. If they do, I'll magically become Christian. I am Baliwala. My religion is comedy. That is all.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
I wanted to
Take advantage of Subway's $5 footlong special. Of course the person working there was Desi. I wasn't shocked at all. In the middle of making my sandwich she started asking me if hot peppers on sandwiches were good because she had never tried it. Are you serious? You work at fucking Subway. She then tried to acquire about what part of the Motherland I was from. When I told her exactly, she responded with: "OMG!LAHORE!" She then asked me to speak in Punjabi. I wanted to get my sandwich and get the hell out of there, but I took my time. She told me to say "today is a good day" in Punjabi. When I did she replied with "OMG! PUNJABI SUCH SVEET LANGAWAGE!" She then told me that she was from Hyderabad. I was then informed that she was not aware of their particular lingo because she didn't like the sound of it. Oh yea, she was cock-eyed. Very cock-eyed. It would have distracted me but the conversation captivated my attention. I then walked away and said bye without looking back. I'm never going back there. I am Baliwala. Anytime I purchase food my ethnicity comes into question. That is all.
This past weekend
I attended the Imran Khan show. Here's a rundown.
When I got to the venue
All I saw was a sea of dudes with faux hawks and skinny jeans. I felt out of place because I was dressed down. Half the girls were dressed modestly to my surprise, and the other half were dressed like they were going to an upscale club. I ran into some friends I hadn't seen in a while. That's always a good thing.
Opening Act
The MC's consisted of a guy and girl. The guy was a loud-mouthed bastard. No surprise there. The girl had a British accent. She had the bottom of her hair in semi-curls and was wearing a gray dress, but keep in mind I was sitting in the balcony. The first performers were a bunch of college kids from Chicago. They did three songs. Mitwa, Aadat by Jal (every Pakistani band does this song) and I think one of their original songs. 7.5/10. They were much better than I expected. The next act was some chutiya named Sean Stackz. He must have been about 38 but was rocking a faux hawk, but he had a receding hairline. He was dressed like he was going to rob a bank/attending Elton John's funeral. My God this guy was horrible. He didn't even really sing, he just sang along to the songs that the DJ was playing. He then invited people on stage to dance. A couple of them starting to breakdance while the others did their best impression of Bhangra. They all looked like fools. I'll give that portion a 6/10 only because the clowns on stage made me laugh.
Then a friend of the people I was with informed us that we could go to the main floor because she talked to one of the promoters about it. I ended up about 3 feet from the stage. Good shit.
H Dhami
Very good performer. I didn't know much about him before the concert. The only song I knew of his was Har Gabroo(Youtube it). He came out with lots of enthusiasm and was very interactive with the crowd. He even did a stage dive. Good shit. He gave a lucky girl to come on stage. She looked awkward as hell up there. She was the envy of every girl there, yet she looked like she about to shit her pants. Funny stuff. This guy sang Sadi Rail Gaadi Aiyee(Youtube it) and danced like a train. Gangsta. 8/10.
Culture Shock
By far the best performers of the night. Had the most energy and everybody knew their songs. They gave out posters and continuously touched hands with the audience. This is about the time I noticed the female MC. Ugly. Messed up grill and huge nose. Her hair was still nice. That has to count for something. I sang along to every song they sung. Don't judge. They make hot shit. Baba Khan who really doesn't sing, interacted with the crowd the most. Major cool points for that. Will definitely try to see them perform again. 9/10.
I was dying of thirst so I bought a bottle of water. Wasn't a very uneventful break.
Imran Khan
The main attraction. He came out and immediately sang Amplifier. I know pretty much all of this songs, so when he came by my side of the stage while singing Hey Girl, I made sure to yell out the lyrics extra loud. He noticed me. We had a connection. No homo. I noticed that he wouldn't take off his sunglasses. I also noticed that he slurred some of his fobby words when trying to speak. Most probably was drunk. He didn't have much energy. He just did his thing. It was still pretty good. A girl threw her high heel on stage and another threw her dupatta. Bitches be crazy. 8/10.
Throughout the evening there was a myriad of drunk Desi guy and girls roaming around. Some weren't a problem, but others like this fat motherfucker who kept on barreling into me, were pretty annoying. A few fights tried to get underway but security did an excellent job of stopping them before they got out of hand. I ran into a few more people I hadn't seen in a while. The venue it was at had been renovated. All in all a very good time. I am Baliwala. I had to take sit down several times because jumping up and down in place is tiring. That is all.
When I got to the venue
All I saw was a sea of dudes with faux hawks and skinny jeans. I felt out of place because I was dressed down. Half the girls were dressed modestly to my surprise, and the other half were dressed like they were going to an upscale club. I ran into some friends I hadn't seen in a while. That's always a good thing.
Opening Act
The MC's consisted of a guy and girl. The guy was a loud-mouthed bastard. No surprise there. The girl had a British accent. She had the bottom of her hair in semi-curls and was wearing a gray dress, but keep in mind I was sitting in the balcony. The first performers were a bunch of college kids from Chicago. They did three songs. Mitwa, Aadat by Jal (every Pakistani band does this song) and I think one of their original songs. 7.5/10. They were much better than I expected. The next act was some chutiya named Sean Stackz. He must have been about 38 but was rocking a faux hawk, but he had a receding hairline. He was dressed like he was going to rob a bank/attending Elton John's funeral. My God this guy was horrible. He didn't even really sing, he just sang along to the songs that the DJ was playing. He then invited people on stage to dance. A couple of them starting to breakdance while the others did their best impression of Bhangra. They all looked like fools. I'll give that portion a 6/10 only because the clowns on stage made me laugh.
Then a friend of the people I was with informed us that we could go to the main floor because she talked to one of the promoters about it. I ended up about 3 feet from the stage. Good shit.
H Dhami
Very good performer. I didn't know much about him before the concert. The only song I knew of his was Har Gabroo(Youtube it). He came out with lots of enthusiasm and was very interactive with the crowd. He even did a stage dive. Good shit. He gave a lucky girl to come on stage. She looked awkward as hell up there. She was the envy of every girl there, yet she looked like she about to shit her pants. Funny stuff. This guy sang Sadi Rail Gaadi Aiyee(Youtube it) and danced like a train. Gangsta. 8/10.
Culture Shock
By far the best performers of the night. Had the most energy and everybody knew their songs. They gave out posters and continuously touched hands with the audience. This is about the time I noticed the female MC. Ugly. Messed up grill and huge nose. Her hair was still nice. That has to count for something. I sang along to every song they sung. Don't judge. They make hot shit. Baba Khan who really doesn't sing, interacted with the crowd the most. Major cool points for that. Will definitely try to see them perform again. 9/10.
I was dying of thirst so I bought a bottle of water. Wasn't a very uneventful break.
Imran Khan
The main attraction. He came out and immediately sang Amplifier. I know pretty much all of this songs, so when he came by my side of the stage while singing Hey Girl, I made sure to yell out the lyrics extra loud. He noticed me. We had a connection. No homo. I noticed that he wouldn't take off his sunglasses. I also noticed that he slurred some of his fobby words when trying to speak. Most probably was drunk. He didn't have much energy. He just did his thing. It was still pretty good. A girl threw her high heel on stage and another threw her dupatta. Bitches be crazy. 8/10.
Throughout the evening there was a myriad of drunk Desi guy and girls roaming around. Some weren't a problem, but others like this fat motherfucker who kept on barreling into me, were pretty annoying. A few fights tried to get underway but security did an excellent job of stopping them before they got out of hand. I ran into a few more people I hadn't seen in a while. The venue it was at had been renovated. All in all a very good time. I am Baliwala. I had to take sit down several times because jumping up and down in place is tiring. That is all.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I must be evil
Because this made me laugh
The girl you just called fat... She's overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly... She spends hours putting on makeup hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped... He's abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars... He fought for his country. That guy you just made fun of for crying... His mother is dying. Put this as your status if your against bullying. I bet 95% of you wont re-post this, but I'm sure the people with a heart and backbone will
The girl you just called fat... She's overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly... She spends hours putting on makeup hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped... He's abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars... He fought for his country. That guy you just made fun of for crying... His mother is dying. Put this as your status if your against bullying. I bet 95% of you wont re-post this, but I'm sure the people with a heart and backbone will
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Most retarded thing I have ever read
Girl : Am I pretty?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO.
...Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
... .......................................Boy : NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away, tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm.
Boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would DIE.
(Boy whispers) : Please? Stay with me.
(Girl whispers) : I will.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you. . Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! ;)
Boy : NO.
Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO.
...Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
... .......................................Boy : NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away, tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm.
Boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would DIE.
(Boy whispers) : Please? Stay with me.
(Girl whispers) : I will.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you. . Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! ;)
Sooner than
Later I need to start being nice. Not to say I'm not already a nice person, but I need to be nicer in order to get a girlfriend. Apparently I have to smile and be genuinely interested in what females say and shit like that. I've been practicing. I've had some success but I really need to work on this. I have to settle down eventually so might as well get cracking. One thing I definitely need to work on is my fucking profanity. See what I did there? Wish me luck. I am Baliwala. I'm no good cuz I'm so hood. Well verbally sometimes. That is all.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
This one
Goes out to all the people who are fake on the internet, mainly girls. I'm not talking about personality, which is an issue I will probably talk about in an entirely different post, I'm talking about using other people's pics, or even pics of celebrities on social media sites. I've noticed this phenomenon recently on Facebook. If you have a Desi first or surname, and your picture is of a busty White girl, you won't fool me. You will fool idiotic Fobs though, and I'm guessing that's what you want to do. From there you'll complain on your statuses and text your friends about how you get harassed online. If you use a pic of let's say Angelina Jolie, you're still retarded. Don't give me the whole this person inspires me bullshit. The only thing that makes you want to be like her, is the fact you want men all around the world jerking off to you like they do to her. Oh, don't think I forgot the dudes that do the same shit. You faggots with your pics of John Abraham or photoshopping a six pac to your torso. Fuck you degenerates. Once again, the only people you're going to fool are underage girls from Chandigarh. Google that if you don't know that is. Expand your knowledge. You will then brag to your greasy-haired friends about how much poon you get, and how all the girls would kill themselves if they aren't able to marry you. Kick rocks while wearing sandals. Moral of the story: be yourself. If you do you'll find out that more people will actually like you than not, offline and on. Hard to believe I know. Obviously there will be some who will not like you, or even despise you. That's just how shit goes. There are 6 billion of us on Earth. Unfortunately, we all can't get along. I am Baliwala. I have not taken a pic of myself in 9 years. That is all.
I don't understand
Some people. This is the thought I had immediately after I overheard somebody's conversation. Well, I wouldn't call it overhearing since this person was yelling as if a god damn fire was nearby. Don't get me wrong. I don't like to stereotype, but it was obvious the gentleman who spoke was a homosexual, or so I thought. What he said after I saw him confirmed my original thinking. This is what he said: "OMG! SO APPARENTLY I MADE OUT WITH 4 GIRLS WHEN I WAS DRUNK! I THINK I TURN STRAIGHT WHEN I DRINK!" Really motherfucker? Your sexual orientation changes when intoxicated? He then went on to yell about how he grabbed a girl's vagina as well. Then I thought this gay is probably a trendy gay. What is a trendy gay? A homosexual who acts gay just because they think it's cool and want to attract female friends. That's what it is. I guess they think they can't get charged with rape because their defense of being gay would be iron clad. I'm currently in negotiations with Wikipedia to have a page made about this that can't be edited. People need to be informed. But seriously, would you make sexual advances towards the sex you aren't attracted to when drunk? I don't think so. Maybe he's bisexual. I don't know and I really don't care. I just hope the day never comes where he tries to touch me; sober or not. I am Baliwala. I have never pretended to be gay so I can go shoe shopping with females. That is all.
Finally have unlimited text messaging. This does not mean you are free to send me nonsensical bullshit. Thanks.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Found out I've been on the honor roll for the last two semesters. I didn't get anything in mail, but rather found out by accident while bored and looking at some school stuff online.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
So check it
I woke up pretty early today and couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to get a haircut. I could have waited a couple of more weeks, but I wanted to get it out of the way. It was pretty hot when I got outside. Kind of a mind fuck considering it's almost the middle of October. Afterward I went over to a local restaurant to pick up a burger. The restaurant mainly has Mexican cuisine, but their burgers are awesome. After munching down I took a shower. When I went outside to have a cigarette after cleansing my body, I saw this odd lady that lives in my neighborhood. She has a decent sized rottweiler and keeps to herself. All of a sudden she stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. The dog laid down a few seconds later. She then began having a conversation with her dog. Kind of weird, but I've seen many dog owners do this. Then she looks at her dog and says: "EWWW! DON'T YOU JUST HATE CIGARETTE SMOKE?! ISN'T IT DISGUSTING?!" You know what's disgusting bitch? The fact that you're trying to have a full on conversation with a K9. That's what you cunt. I was pretty surprised. Did she think I couldn't hear her? She was across the street, but not very far. You know what else is sick? The fact that you probably engage in sexual relations with your kuta. Yeah I said it. You seem so disconnected with reality that you've made your own that consists of doggie treats and doggystyle, you curly-haired, wrinkly, walking vagina. Speaking of vagina, yours probably smells like rancid, flea infested dog hair. I understand that when you try to engage in discussions with humans it ends horribly because the left side of your brain is probably filled with Iams (Google that), but that does not change the fact that we humans exist and can hear your dog penis ravaged voice. I bet your half-retarded dog probably thinks the same. If they had a voice they'd let your retired librarian looking ass know how they felt. I am Baliwala. I don't speak dog. That is all.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Give me
Money so I can buy a PS3 and NBA 2K12. There is a donate button if you scroll down and look to the right, underneath my picture. Thanks.
We all
Have done silly things to attract the opposite sex. Hi, my name is Baliwala. You know me from such blog posts as "Big bitches with little voices" and "The guy who urinated in public." When I was 12 years old, I was way too shy to approach girls. Others around me were not though. That summer I was at a Pakistani Independence celebration. I spent most of my time walking around with a bunch of friends. Trying to look cool for all the little girls. There wasn't much else to do in a big park. I noticed that there were two White girls using the bike trail. Probably enjoying the weather. I wasn't the only one who noticed that. After a few rounds around the park, I kept seeing the girls, but they were off in the distance. About a half hour later I saw they were coming right towards my friends and I. They were slowing down to avoid an accident. As soon as they were near, one of my friends, who was wearing a hat backwards( what a G), pushed another friend into one of the girls. She fell but luckily for her onto grass. My friend then rushed up to her and said: "Are you ok?" She said she was fine. He then said " So can I get your number?" I was shocked. She kindly smiled and said no. My friend was quite surprised that she didn't give up the digits. Maybe if she had a scrape on her knee she might have been vulnerable and given him what he wanted. We'll never know. I am Baliwala. I hold girls at gunpoint when I want their number. That is all.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Meri,meri teri, prem kahani is not mushkil at all. If anything, you've made it difficult. You're more hot and cold than summer changing into winter. You always ask me where I've gone. I haven't gone anywhere. I've always been here. You might have wandered off, but I have not. You always say that I forgot about you. Not true. I've said many times that I have an excellent memory. You ask if I have a girlfriend. When I tell you I don't, you're surprised. You shouldn't be. You ask me to send you new music. I inform you that my musical tastes, much like myself, rarely change. I wish you would understand that. I am Baliwala. This is one of the very few times I'll use Bollywood to express anything in my life. That is all.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I usually
Don't get involved with extra-circular activities, but today I did something a bit different. All the clubs from my institution of higher learning were signing people up. The first club, and the one with the most commotion around it, was the Gay club. No problem. I'll just scoot myself past the table. As soon as I do this, a gargantuan man starts booty-shaking. Problem. I looked around and saw that nothing really interested me. Then I came across a bunch of people around monitors playing video games. One of my old co-workers was sitting behind the table of the video game club so I decided to say hello. I then proceeded to watch others play some fighting game. I think it was Street Fighter. As the crowd grew, so did the body odor. My goodness that shit was foul. Then I looked at the faces of the people who emitted this stankyness. I'm sorry to say they looked like the typical video gamers. Clothing that 6th graders wear that was probably purchased at Wal-Mart. Hair looking like they just woke up then rubbed their scalp against a concrete wall. Patches of facial hair with no uniformity. Weird vernacular that they heard probably watching Pokemon. I then had a decision to make. Should I involve myself with these people? Should I take the plunge and go into the darkest depths of society., I said yes. I'm no punk. I'm not scared. I asked my former co-worker to sign me up. He handed me a piece of paper that wanted some info. Where it asked when I was available, I said anytime. Not true but whatever. He then told me when the meetings were and what the club entailed. It was actually pretty interesting, but guess what? I'll give you some more time to guess. Time's up. I'm not showing up to that shit. I even put a real phone number and email. Do you think I'm going to respond to them trying to get in contact with me? I'll give you some time to mull that over. Time's up. Hell no. I don't have time to be plugging my nose to stop myself from vomiting because the idea of soap to some people is foreign. The reason I signed up was because I wanted those weirdos to feel like they weren't outcasts from society. To feel that somebody as cool as me, who wears blue jeans and Nike's would like to associate with them. I think it worked. Oh yea. There was a floppy-haired Asian kid. Just wanted to share that. I am Baliwala. When I shoot to kill, you don't come back to life. My high score can't be calculated. That is all.
Why do so many big girls have small voices? Is it an attempt at being cute or feminine? It's something I will never understand. Just wanted to share.
Check it. I was outside enjoying guess what? If you guessed a tobacco cigarette, then you are correct. I usually look off to the side while I slowly kill myself just in case I catch a neighbor in my line of vision so I can say hello. For some reason I did something different this time. I looked all the way up. There is a condominium complex across the street. My eyes immediately went to the top floor. There weren't any objects obstructing my view. I saw a man who had no blinds or curtains in his window, who looked like he was running in place. Hmmm. I thought he might have been playing the Wii. I stopped looking. I thought if somebody was watching me I'd feel uncomfortable, so I looked down and to my left. But I couldn't resist. I looked back up but he was gone. As soon as I decided to look back down, he returned, but this time with a cat. He had the feline over his left shoulder and he slow danced. Immediate laughter ensued. What the fuck was he doing? Was this foreplay for the unthinkable? The funny thing is I've never seen this guy around my neighborhood. Maybe he broke into somebody's place for his sick ritual. I'm not sure. I am Baliwala. I don't dance, I just pull up Mr.Wiggles and do throw the Cat Nip away. That is all.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
When we have our first conversation, please do not make it feel like an interview for admission into the CIA. I understand you want to know about my goals and aspirations, and you possibly want to share yours as well, but sometimes it goes too far. When figures of income and car choice come into play, I feel like you have a pen and clipboard in front of you. I guess you do this because in your simple minds you see us getting married based off seeing a few pictures, or even glancing at me from across a dimly lit room. Don't think. Just go with the flow. Stay away from questions that have to do with my religious beliefs. We all know that is personal, so it's not a good thing to throw into the first conversation you have with me or anybody else. Do not be so rigid. Also, do not ask me the same question multiple times. Either you have a horrible memory or are trying to catch me in a lie. I do not respect your stupidity or you trying to insult my intelligence. We don't know each other so let's keep it casual. I am Baliwala. My height and weight are, ah fuck it. That is all.
Below is an extreme example, but ladies, it gives you a gist of what NOT to say to a guy or anybody else during your first conversation. I don't know what type of dimwits you deal with, but if you try and act like you're better than and iPhone10, I will put you in your place, babygirl.

Below is an extreme example, but ladies, it gives you a gist of what NOT to say to a guy or anybody else during your first conversation. I don't know what type of dimwits you deal with, but if you try and act like you're better than and iPhone10, I will put you in your place, babygirl.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I think
One of my classmates is homeless. He's an older man who doesn't speak much, so when he did, I was surprised to hear a strong British accent. I personally think it's put on, but I could be dead wrong. This guy comes to class drenched in sweat. No matter what the temperature is he looks like he got caught in a thunderstorm. He also comes to class with multiple bags. A book bag and a at least two gym bags. This isn't too surprising. I'm sure you've all seen people around campus with more then just a book bag, but today I investigated the situation a bit more. When I entered the classroom today, this gentleman got up and to get something out of one his gym bags. He pulled out a coffee mug. It was the type that is used at home. Not a big deal I guess. Then he pulled out a huge steel coffee container which he poured into his cup. Hmm, maybe he just likes homemade coffee a lot. I then peered more and saw that a few zippers of the gym bag were open. I saw a jar of coffee grounds, a bottle of Windex, a squeegee, a box of soap ( I didn't know if it was empty or not). I was pretty surprised. I'm still not sure if he's homeless. Maybe he just likes bringing the comforts of home with him no matter where he goes. I might buy him a Twix from the vending machine. He might be hungry. I am Baliwala. I have a roof over my head as I write this. That is all.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
In the comments below
Tell me where you're from. Don't have to be specific if you don't want to. Just interested in knowing where the bulk of my readers come from.
If I
Sat down with the Devil I would tell him that he has influenced me, but not as much as he thinks or wishes. I'd tell him that he has taken me to the edge but I pulled myself back when I saw over it. I'd tell him that I know he'll pop in and out of my life, but with each time, I mind less and less. It'll come to the point where I'd laugh at his presence. Kind of like seeing somebody with a clown wig on. Nothing too serious. I'd tell him that I've seen the damage he has done to the world and even people around me, but that does not increase my hate for him. For hate holds back anything and everything I try to do. I'd tell him that he's not as strong as he thinks. Kind of like a guy who only works out his biceps. I'd tell him that if we got into a fight, he might hit me a few times, but in the end I'd beat the dog shit out of him. I'm Tyson. He's an infant. I'd tell him that you are below me. Literally and figuratively. I'd tell him that in the past my anger could have rivaled his, but I have pulled back now because I know better. I'd tell him if he wanted my soul in exchange for anything I could dream of, I'd respond by giving him the lint out of my pocket in exchange for him to shut the fuck up. I'd tell him I am a fallen angel as well, but I'm steadily standing back up while he lays in the ruins. I'd tell him that the people who worship you are weirdos and social rejects. It really isn't cool to follow you. I'd tell him to stick around, because what he's about to see will blow his mind. I'd tell him that he's like henna; temporary. I'd tell him to crack a smile once in a while. It doesn't hurt, trust me. I'd tell him he looks like he fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. I'd tell him his temptations and desires and like a chubby girl, they look good from a distance, but worse as you get closer. I am Baliwala. I danced with the Devil and he ended up breaking his ankles. That is all.
All of you
Guys who complain about being put in the friend zone by females, please shut the fuck up. This is purely you're doing. If you show yourself to be a friend instead of a romantic interest, that's exactly how a girl will receive you. Don't get me wrong. Girls do want a guy who can show them a sensitive side and listens, but they do not want a bitch boy as a boyfriend. It's as simple as that. Man up. Show these females that you have testicles. Please do not tell them you have watched The Notebook multiple times even if you actually have. Not a good idea. I am Baliwala. Once a girl says that she considers me as a brother, I throw her the peace sign. That is all.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Help fight Somalian hunger
Info is in the description of the video. Click on the Youtube symbol once the video starts playing.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I pity
The fool that falls in love with you. Besides a pretty face, you nothing to offer. Literally nothing. Your idea of great cinema is a Bollywood movie that costs less than a pair of Nike's to make. Your favorite song was sung in the 70's by a woman with an annoyingly high-pitched voice about how your love can be found in nature. If news isn't breaking and on every channel, you are ignorant of the world's events. You think your religion is the best even though you don't have a clue about others, and even your own. You believe your virginity gives you Sainthood. You seek salvation by putting religious quotes in your Facebook status. You believe that since you're going to a community college and work part-time you're the busiest girl in the world. You believe taking pics in front of a mirror brings out your inner-beauty. You rebel by staying up past midnight on the weekend. The "craziest" thing you've done is smoke hookah at a shady restaurant. With all this being said, you'll still find plenty of guys who are crazy about you, and the other way around. You might even live happily ever after, and I hope you do, but you will always be ignorant. The funny thing about ignorance is that it never lasts forever. You'll tremble as the deceiving cloud of your fantasy lifts. As it does, you'll look for me, but I won't be there. By then the dust of my footsteps will be gone as well. I am Baliwala. There a thousand of you but only one of me. That is all.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Ask me a question
In the comments below and I will answer them in a voice clip. Haven't done this in a while.
Be humble
If you own a sports car remember that at any second if you decide to be a hero and hit the pedal to the medal, you could lose your life. If you are good looking realize that you're one knife fight or drug addiction away from being fugly. If you are rich or wealthy, realize that you are one night at the casino, one bad business investment, or one gold-digging girlfriend away from being broke. If you believe you are wise remember that one day your wisdom might run out. Wisdom is a well. Go to it too often and it will run dry. If you are religious, remember that humans are not perfect and the lifelong pursuit of it might leave you bitter and angry at God. If you are physically fit, remember that you are one binge-eating month away from being a heart disease patient. If you pride yourself on being sexually active, realize that you're one STD away from people being disgusted by you. I am Baliwala. I'm very happy with being average. You should be too. That is all.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A long time ago
When I was a broke lad, my friends and I had to eat at cheap restaurants. One Friday night we decided to go to Old Country Buffet, or OCB as the cool kids once called it. It was a buffet for less than $10. It wasn't the greatest food in the world but it got the job done. The first thing I did when we arrived was got a big plate of mac and cheese. I usually hate it but theirs was quite good. When we sat down I immediately dug in. About halfway through the dish I noticed a group of girls sitting behind us. I didn't pay them any attention. All of a sudden I heard the oddest thing I have ever heard. To this day I do not understand it. What I heard can never be explained. It has emotionally scarred me for life. When my eating utensil was on its way to my mouth I heard "THEN HE SAID HE WANTED TO STICK A BANANA IN MY TWAT!" being shouted. I was shocked. I looked at my friends and they were as just dumbfounded. My utensil( I call it a utensil because I'm not sure if it was a fork or spoon) stayed suspended while my mouth was open for quite a while. Then I said fuck it, let's leave. There was no way of recovering from such a comment. I hope others have not tried to stick foreign objects in that girls no-no area. I am Baliwala. Time does not heal all wounds. That is all.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I saw a friend I haven't seen in a few years. While catching up he informed me that all he cares about is money and the city that he's from. I responded by telling him there was more to life to that, like family and friends. I didn't want to get too deep. I wanted to keep it simple so he wouldn't be overwhelmed. He rolled his eyes and then told me that he was going to sip it until he felt it, and smoke it until it was done. I immediately got upset and told him that substance abuse is a dangerous road which destroys not only a the person's life who's using, but that of those around them. His response was "Well I'm still young." I said HA! But young sir, you are getting older at the same time. He pondered that for a while. Hopefully I'll get through to him. I am Baliwala. My friend and I were on one.....train together. That is all.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Let me
Tell you about the dream I had last night. I must warn you though, it makes absolutely no sense. I was on a double date. I don't remember who the other people were, but I remember wearing a white cashmere sweater and rocking two stud earrings. I ordered pasta with ground beef. When it came, the sauce was watery and the pasta was uncooked. I went to complain to the owner. The owner was an Arab who looked like Super Mario. He said that's how the dish was made. I said I wasn't going to pay for it. He said he was going to call the police. I dared him to. Then out of nowhere a White guy came out of the back. The owner said I was going to have to "deal" with him. Then this guy started doing karate moves. I was like pshhh you don't scare me. I went to attack him but he beat my ass. It felt so real. My face was hurting. I went to regroup by going outside to have a cigarette. I then made a phone call. I don't recall to who. Then all of a sudden a band of like 20 dudes came to the restaurant. They were doing all sorts of flips and kicks. I looked at the owner and smirked. We then started to lay the smack down on the Chuck Norris wannabe. The owner disappeared. I went to look for him but he was nowhere to be found. When we left I was upset because I hadn't gotten to eat. Oh well. I am Baliwala. I wake up from dreams hungry. That is all.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Ramadan is coming up I need some non-Muslims girls to speak to this month. Please contact me if you're interested. Thanks.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Me tell you about the summer class I'm taking. The subject is Rocket Science. The class is early in the morning. So while you bhanchodes are asleep, I'm on my "grind." Go to to find out what that means. The class is fairly small and the professor is a nice guy. The class is very very boring, but I deal with it. The occasional fake trip to the bathroom helps me cope with it, but that's not what you guys want to know, is it? Nope. You want to know what weirdos have the pleasure of studying alongside yours truly. So let's get to it.
Blotchy Face: This is a middle-aged white woman. She sits in the first row, right in the middle. You can guess why I gave her this nickname. Use your imagination. During breaks I venture outside to indulge in a tobacco cigarette. She does as well, but she smokes some cheap shit. It looks like some primitive tobacco product from the times of the Native Americans. That doesn't bother me though. What bothers me is that she never has her lighter and always asks for mine. This doesn't bother me much either. What does bother me is that she doesn't know how to use it and takes up an unnecessary amount of time to light up. When I try to help her, she motions me away. Today, she said she had problems with the lighter because it was child-proof. No it's not bitch. It cost fifty cents and can break at any second. There are no safety measures with this dingy shit. But that's not the weirdest thing about her. The other day she just up and left. She didn't even bother to take her stuff. The professor made me notify security. To make a long story short, they didn't give a fuck. When I informed the class and professor of this, they were shocked. Shouts of "OMG! WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD SOMEWHERE?!" rang out. Highly unlikely. It's noon and the criminals have not awoken. Today she said the professor pissed her off and she left. Real mature. Next time don't come back. I mean ever. For the rest of your life.
Black Nonchalant Skateboarder- This motherfucker always has a skull cap on. Homie, it's 80 degrees. Let your scalp breathe. He always has a skateboard. He looks like a mobile homeless man. Going from area to area to panhandle. He sits all way in the back corner by himself. Avoiding all human contact. The first day of class this guy dropped his phone every 2 minutes. I kid you not. I kept track. He even dropped it at my feet as I headed for the door. I didn't pick that shit up. Fuck you Crisco hands. But you know what bothers me the most? When this guy goes up to the board, he has a look on his face as if his dog just died then he bit into a lemon. Take a second to picture that. Welcome back. It's kind of like when you make a child do something they pretend they don't want to do, but they really want to because people are watching and they want to impress them. God damn I hate that face. Even though he's positioned relatively far from everybody else, I can hear him breathe. It sounds like he has emphysema. You respiratory rundi. On the last day of class I'm going to take his hat off and beat him over the head with his skateboard. LOL JK! Or am I? Hmmmmmmm.
I am Baliwala. I attend institutions of higher learning who should be institutionalized. That is all.
Blotchy Face: This is a middle-aged white woman. She sits in the first row, right in the middle. You can guess why I gave her this nickname. Use your imagination. During breaks I venture outside to indulge in a tobacco cigarette. She does as well, but she smokes some cheap shit. It looks like some primitive tobacco product from the times of the Native Americans. That doesn't bother me though. What bothers me is that she never has her lighter and always asks for mine. This doesn't bother me much either. What does bother me is that she doesn't know how to use it and takes up an unnecessary amount of time to light up. When I try to help her, she motions me away. Today, she said she had problems with the lighter because it was child-proof. No it's not bitch. It cost fifty cents and can break at any second. There are no safety measures with this dingy shit. But that's not the weirdest thing about her. The other day she just up and left. She didn't even bother to take her stuff. The professor made me notify security. To make a long story short, they didn't give a fuck. When I informed the class and professor of this, they were shocked. Shouts of "OMG! WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD SOMEWHERE?!" rang out. Highly unlikely. It's noon and the criminals have not awoken. Today she said the professor pissed her off and she left. Real mature. Next time don't come back. I mean ever. For the rest of your life.
Black Nonchalant Skateboarder- This motherfucker always has a skull cap on. Homie, it's 80 degrees. Let your scalp breathe. He always has a skateboard. He looks like a mobile homeless man. Going from area to area to panhandle. He sits all way in the back corner by himself. Avoiding all human contact. The first day of class this guy dropped his phone every 2 minutes. I kid you not. I kept track. He even dropped it at my feet as I headed for the door. I didn't pick that shit up. Fuck you Crisco hands. But you know what bothers me the most? When this guy goes up to the board, he has a look on his face as if his dog just died then he bit into a lemon. Take a second to picture that. Welcome back. It's kind of like when you make a child do something they pretend they don't want to do, but they really want to because people are watching and they want to impress them. God damn I hate that face. Even though he's positioned relatively far from everybody else, I can hear him breathe. It sounds like he has emphysema. You respiratory rundi. On the last day of class I'm going to take his hat off and beat him over the head with his skateboard. LOL JK! Or am I? Hmmmmmmm.
I am Baliwala. I attend institutions of higher learning who should be institutionalized. That is all.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
You're going to initiate a conversation, please say something when I reply. It's a waste of my precious time if you don't. When I do the same to you, you get upset. Treat others the way...naw, fuck that. Do whatever you want. I do and look how far I've come. I'm able to get certain items at McDonald's for a dollar. Don't believe me? I thought you wouldn't. I wouldn't believe me if I were you.
You will be backed into a corner. Put your fists up and maneuver yourself out of there. Everyday you will be pushed onto your heels. Use your arms to regain balance. Everyday somebody will spit in your face. If you can't dodge it, spit back. Everyday your knuckles will be scuffed. Wrap them and continue forward. Let the scars be a reminder of battles won. Everyday you will have fear to open your eyes. Fight the fear for a moment and let your pupils take in the world. Everyday the weight of the world will be on your shoulders. Push back with the thought that they'll get stronger and be able to handle it better the next day. Everyday you will see something that will make your legs turn to Jello. Tighten them up and let the time pass, they will harden to stone. Everyday your heart will tremble. Take a deep breath and let the chambers of the muscle return to normal. Everyday your stomach will turn. Let it untie itself. I am Baliwala. Time waits for no man. Not even me. That is all.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Just another
Friendly reminder: Channing Tatum is still the son of Satan and smells like a dozen dead racoons mixed with spoiled bananas. Oh yeah, his acting sucks more than a mosquito by a lake.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Things that
You should not find comfort in:
Food: Diabetes and heart disease is not going to make you feel better
The success of a sports team-99% of athletes do not give a fuck about you. They make millions of dollars to play games.
The rain- Motherfucker, you only enjoy it when you're indoors, so if anything, you enjoy the sound of it hitting your windows and the fact you're not soaked like the poor bastards who are outside without an umbrella.
Hearing about somebody else getting married or engaged- If anything, it goes to show you that you are still inadequate in finding a life partner
Thinking a pop song relates to your life- Lady Gaga is not talking to your soul. She hits the crack pipe and records songs. Just enjoy the melody.
Painting your nails- Guys do not give a fuck about what color your nails are. You'll never hear Jonny say: " Sally had everything going for her, but then I saw her nails..."
The Weekend- Probably the most overrated thing mankind has conceived. You get two days off of work/school so you can get intoxicated to the point of illness. Not that fun if you actually think about it.
Miracles- They don't exist. God does not only work for you. God did not cause that car accident on the highway when you were heading late to work. He will not inconvenience dozens of people for your simple ass.
Finding money in your pockets before doing laundry- This just means you're forgetful and do not know the true value of money. Chances are you're going to end up homeless.
Buying new clothes- You have to do this. You can't wear rags and this does not change your already shitty personality.
Drugs- That empty void is only filled for a moment, then the rush of darkness comes back into your empty heart
Zodiac Signs- Fuck it. I'm going to make one up right now. If you are Faggitarius chances are you going to meet somebody of the same sex and have a long-lasting relationship. See how easy that was?
Money- Shit comes and go. Most of you spend it on stupid shit anyway. Diversify your bonds homies.
Using the word "haters"- You're in denial. People are usually honest when they are talking directly to you. Take their advice and stop being such a horrible person.
Being single- You're not independent. You're not free to do what you like. You're ugly, and your heart is uglier. Disgusting.
Being in a long term relationship- You're boring. So is your significant other. You're going to bore each other to death. Have fun!
Your bed- It's supposed to be comfortable you fucking idiot. Was your previous sleeping area a bed of nails?
Food: Diabetes and heart disease is not going to make you feel better
The success of a sports team-99% of athletes do not give a fuck about you. They make millions of dollars to play games.
The rain- Motherfucker, you only enjoy it when you're indoors, so if anything, you enjoy the sound of it hitting your windows and the fact you're not soaked like the poor bastards who are outside without an umbrella.
Hearing about somebody else getting married or engaged- If anything, it goes to show you that you are still inadequate in finding a life partner
Thinking a pop song relates to your life- Lady Gaga is not talking to your soul. She hits the crack pipe and records songs. Just enjoy the melody.
Painting your nails- Guys do not give a fuck about what color your nails are. You'll never hear Jonny say: " Sally had everything going for her, but then I saw her nails..."
The Weekend- Probably the most overrated thing mankind has conceived. You get two days off of work/school so you can get intoxicated to the point of illness. Not that fun if you actually think about it.
Miracles- They don't exist. God does not only work for you. God did not cause that car accident on the highway when you were heading late to work. He will not inconvenience dozens of people for your simple ass.
Finding money in your pockets before doing laundry- This just means you're forgetful and do not know the true value of money. Chances are you're going to end up homeless.
Buying new clothes- You have to do this. You can't wear rags and this does not change your already shitty personality.
Drugs- That empty void is only filled for a moment, then the rush of darkness comes back into your empty heart
Zodiac Signs- Fuck it. I'm going to make one up right now. If you are Faggitarius chances are you going to meet somebody of the same sex and have a long-lasting relationship. See how easy that was?
Money- Shit comes and go. Most of you spend it on stupid shit anyway. Diversify your bonds homies.
Using the word "haters"- You're in denial. People are usually honest when they are talking directly to you. Take their advice and stop being such a horrible person.
Being single- You're not independent. You're not free to do what you like. You're ugly, and your heart is uglier. Disgusting.
Being in a long term relationship- You're boring. So is your significant other. You're going to bore each other to death. Have fun!
Your bed- It's supposed to be comfortable you fucking idiot. Was your previous sleeping area a bed of nails?
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Ask me
Questions and I'll answer them in a Podcast. Make sure they're interesting and thought provoking. Let's get it.
The people
Have spoken and according to the votes of the poll (scroll down) the majority of people do not want me to have guest bloggers on a regular basis. I still might infuse a few posts from others here and there just to change things up. Thanks to everybody who voted. Actually, fuck that. All you had to do was click. So whatever.
Good morning
Bitches. I hope you guys have an OK day. Let's be realistic. The chances of something spectacular happening today are slim so let's aim for normal series of events to occur. Just hope nothing weird like a bird pooping on your head happens. Go and tackle the day, but make sure you don't tackle it too hard. You might get a concussion.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
I'm starting
To think odd things happen in three's. A few days ago I went outside to put out my garbage cans so they could be collected the next morning. Before heading inside I took some time out to enjoy my favorite thing. What is this favorite thing? If you answered a pre-rolled tobacco cigarette then you are correct and will receive a million Bali points. Right before I extinguished it, a strong gust of wind was followed by some lightning. Then all the visible street lights had gone out. Hmmm weird. I go back inside and was informed by my father that the electricity had gone out for a few seconds. Oh no! I had left my computer on and hoped that no major damage had been done to it. Whew! Computer was safe. All of my por.... I mean school work had been saved. About a half hour later the doorbell rang, I immediately went downstairs to see who it was. It was a Desi aunty with a dupatta over her head. Google image dupatta if you don't know what it is. She asked for my mom and when she was informed that she was asleep immediately ran away. Hmm. Weird. About a half hour later I went out for my last cigarette before bed. The street lights were still out so it was pretty much pitch black. Off in the distance I noticed a burly man who was walking with a hobble. I paid no attention to it because he was walking away from me. Then he started walking towards my direction. Holy shit. This dude looked like a football player and he was hobbling. I then saw it was my neighbor. I asked him if he was OK and he said that he was. He hurt his knee during Memorial Day while playing basketball. He also told me that he had crutches. Where were the crutches? Why was he hobbling around in the middle of the night looking like Jack the Ripper? Oh well. I then went inside and locked all the doors and windows. No more freaky shit was going to happen to me that night. I am Baliwala. The Trinity is real. That is real.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
What do you
Guys think of me teaming up with other bloggers? After a recent meeting with members of my entourage, I was made aware of this idea. The format would include fashion, sports, etc.
Friday, June 3, 2011
This will be my last blog post
I'd like to thank the countless people who supported me from the beginning, and those who might have recently discovered this blog. I've had a great time sharing stories and experiences with you all. For those of you wondering why I am leaving, the simplest answer is all good things must come to an end. Also, I've been offered a great financial opportunity that requires a lot of time and effort. I received an e-mail that said I won over 56 million dollars. All I have to do is claim it! I feel that I would have absolutely no room in my life to update this blog in a consistent matter. As you can clearly know by now, I have been given a large sum of money. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I'm sure I'll get a great idea sooner than later. This isn't the last you'll see of me. I'm positive I'll be spoken about in the financial section of or something of that sort. Good things are happening! So for now, I am Baliwala. Legends never die. That is all.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
I have been selling my old textbooks on eBay. I stumbled upon them while cleaning out my closet. Some of these books were fucking huge. There was obviously no need for them anymore, but I didn't know what to do with them. Then I got the idea to sell them online. This idea was born because I am "all about getting my paper" as some of our youth might say today. The first few books sold fairly quickly, but I noticed something. I noticed that one of the books purchased wasn't paid for. I was mature and displayed my patience by giving the buyer a couple of days to make the payment. When I realized that this guy wasn't coughing up the cash, I kindly messaged him to let him know that he wasn't getting his shit unless I got my cheddar. Did he reply? Fuck no. It seemed like he was intentionally not paying to piss me off. I was then finally allowed to complain about him directly to eBay. After two days of the case being open, he paid for the item, but also left a note with it. This is the note:
"Here is the payment. Please kindly well pack it and ship it to me with invoice at your earliest convenience. Besides, PLEASE DON'T use post office "Ready Post " envelope to ship. It's very easy to break and create many dusts. BTW, if you are going to send me any book not the same as the description, such as instructor edition, international edition or any book different from the ISBN. Please don't send it and refund me. It will create many headaches for both parties. Thanks again."
This guy couldn't be serious. This motherfucker must have watermelons sized testicles to make requests like that. I'm mailing you a book dawg, not a 100K diamond. I still haven't mailed it. He can wait. I am Baliwala. I exchange pages with words on them for electronic payment. That is all.
"Here is the payment. Please kindly well pack it and ship it to me with invoice at your earliest convenience. Besides, PLEASE DON'T use post office "Ready Post " envelope to ship. It's very easy to break and create many dusts. BTW, if you are going to send me any book not the same as the description, such as instructor edition, international edition or any book different from the ISBN. Please don't send it and refund me. It will create many headaches for both parties. Thanks again."
This guy couldn't be serious. This motherfucker must have watermelons sized testicles to make requests like that. I'm mailing you a book dawg, not a 100K diamond. I still haven't mailed it. He can wait. I am Baliwala. I exchange pages with words on them for electronic payment. That is all.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
To this blog. Help cover costs such as server and things needed for the Podcasts. Hit the button to the right. Thanks.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I speak
and think in definiteness. There are no maybes. When it comes to thrilling the motherfucking socks off your girlfriend, it's not a question of maybe it will happen, it's a question of when. There are no "I guess so's" when it comes to me. You don't have to wonder if the next conversation you have with me will be boring. My tales will make you want to live vicariously through me. There are no estimates with me. You know every time I bring it 100%. You don't have to predict my next move. I will give you a handbook of the moves I will make for the next 3 years. You don't have to suspect me of anything. Just ask what you ponder. You'll get an honest answer in a half a heartbeat. You don't have to theorize what I look for in a girl. I said it before and I'll say it again: ass and titties. There are no assumptions when it comes to my race. I bleed green and white. You don't have to presume that I can be asshole. I'm like a vending machine. Whatever button you push is what you'll get. Don't take a stab at or take a wild shot in the dark when it comes to my morals. They are more solid than a statue. You don't have to come to any conclusions. My introduction spells everything out. I am Baliwala. That's who I am. You are what you eat, I smell vagina when you speak.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The following chart
is bullshit.

Well, not entirely. Women who are interested are turned on by men who ignore them, aren't women, but creatures with self-esteem so low that is near the core of the Earth. Men think that attractive women should be ignored. They believe this sets them apart from the other "thirsty" dudes who try to talk to them.( UrbanDictionary the term "thirsty" if you do not know what it means. Some men believe this will make them standout to a beautiful woman because they're used to being hounded everywhere they go. Complete bullshit. So what part of this chart is true? All of it. In order to know what a particular woman wants you have to gauge their personality quickly. This is a skill that many males do not possess. It is something that is acquired over time. I am Baliwala. I use data to figure out what women want. That is all.

Well, not entirely. Women who are interested are turned on by men who ignore them, aren't women, but creatures with self-esteem so low that is near the core of the Earth. Men think that attractive women should be ignored. They believe this sets them apart from the other "thirsty" dudes who try to talk to them.( UrbanDictionary the term "thirsty" if you do not know what it means. Some men believe this will make them standout to a beautiful woman because they're used to being hounded everywhere they go. Complete bullshit. So what part of this chart is true? All of it. In order to know what a particular woman wants you have to gauge their personality quickly. This is a skill that many males do not possess. It is something that is acquired over time. I am Baliwala. I use data to figure out what women want. That is all.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
For the ladies
Check out my friend's fashion blog. She posts pics of clothes and girly shit. ENJOY!
Shout out
To Doaly for the new banner.
Doaly's Photography FanPage:
Doaly's Photography FanPage:
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
It feels weird
Being on vacation from school. All of my productivity levels have gone down. I obviously don't study at all. I don't blog as much either. It's odd. You would think I would blog more with more time, but that isn't the case. The thought of typing for reaction seems foreign to me at the moment. Also, my creativity has been missing. Spontaneity has been absent. This is the key to not only my creativeness and willingness to share my experiences, but creativity in general. It's like throwing a cigarette on the ground and stamping it out. It's like turning off the faucet of a gusting tap. So bare with me because I don't know how long this dry spell will last. Thanks for the continued support. I am Baliwala. You can sleep on me, but when you turn back around, I'll be tap dancing on yo ass. That is all.
Friday, May 13, 2011
NBA Playoffs Podcast
Co-hosts: Alber and Adnan
Twtitter: @alberahmad
Co-hosts: Alber and Adnan
Twtitter: @alberahmad
It seems like
Some of my recent posts have been deleted by Blogspot. They were undergoing maintenance yesterday and some data was lost. If Blogspot does not automatically recover the posts, I will try my best to put them back up.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Gym shorts
I hated them because I wore then under my jeans. It was not comfortable at all. The thing I disliked about them the most was that they made my pants sag. This gave me the look of a future prison inmate. This is something I have never aimed for. One day I entered a crowded bus on my way home. I didn't mind this because it was usually crowded. Also, if a seat opened up I would grab it quickly. Fuck giving up my seat for a senior citizen. I just went through 7 hours of hell. You're probably going to the grocery store. I need this more than you. Fuck off. Finders, keepers. Today though, not a single seat opened up. As the bus approached my stop I started heading for the back exit. As I walked I could feel something odd around my waist. By the time I was at the door, my pants fell. I didn't even have enough time to catch them. Damn you gym shorts and your nylon material. Within seconds I hear this: "DAMN THAT WHITE GIRL GOT A BOOTY! I NEVER SEEN A BOOTY LIKE THAT ON A WHITE GIRL!" Uhhhhh. I didn't know what to think. Should I laugh? Should I cry? Was I just verbally molested? As I got off I saw a white girl next to me exiting as well. Was she the person they were talking about? I wasn't sure so I took a look at her ass. I had to. Just to make sure the guy wasn't talking about me. He was definitely exaggerating. I am Baliwala. I study the female anatomy purely for scientific purposes. That is all.
Monday, May 9, 2011
As a kid
I went everywhere with my parents. Mostly because I had to, but I also did enjoy seeing other kids of my age and interacting with them. It was a chance to go to somebody's house, make a mess, and leave without cleaning up. Very good deal to me. Once, a family that we had visited frequently ended up coming over to my house. After about 10 mins of chit-chat, in gibberish, because we were both about six years old, this kid is going to accuse me of stealing his Gigapet or whatever those things were. He then said I came in the middle of the night and stole it. What the fuck? Did he accuse me of being a cat burglar in training? I then thought he might have been referring to the last time I was at his house. I calmly told him that he probably misplaced it. He said he didn't. Then I said that maybe another friend took it. He denied it. I told him if was OK if he had juvenile delinquents as friends. It wasn't his fault. He still didn't believe me. Oh well. My amazing poise and rational thinking at a young age failed me. I am Baliwala. I do not steal small electronics. That is all.
Baliwala Banner Contest
Design a new banner for my blog. Dimensions for banner should be about 550X135. Use your creativity and imagination. GRAND PRIZE WILL RECEIVE FIVE DOLLARS THROUGH PAYPAL! I'm dead serious. Send submissions to (replace AT with @). This is the only way I can give credit to people who have submissions. Winner will also get a shout out on a podcast. Good luck to everybody.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
It's funny how
Some guys and girls try to strike up a conversation with the opposite sex. Some of the things girls have said to me during our first encounter have been quite funny. Usually females will tell me that I look familiar. This is something that actually makes sense. I have in the past, and even to an extent today, look like the typical Pakistani male. I won't describe what that is. I'll let you figure that out on your own. If you have trouble Google image "typical paki guy" and you'll get an idea. Other times they'll say that they have seen me at a public event. Sometimes they'll ask me if I'm friends with a certain person. These approaches are not odd because many people attend such functions. I'll share an experience with you that I did find weird. A few years ago before Facebook had all the games and applications that is does now, I logged into my account. I saw that I had a message. This was exciting to me. These days the only messages I get concern some shitty party that nobody wants to go to. When I opened up my messages I saw it was from a girl. Oh yea! This should be good. The girl asked me if I was from Atlanta. Hmmm. Maybe she couldn't see my location because we weren't friends. I told her that I was not from that area or state. She then went on to say that she saw me at a club that past weekend. It was almost like she thought I was lying for some reason. When I lol'ed and informed her that I had never been to the state of Georgia, she replied with "Well I knew all along you weren't from Atlanta, but I'm very sure I saw you at the club I was at." Hmmmmmm. Really? Are you fucking serious? I wish I had the time and funds to visit nightclubs in other cities as a weekend escape. Did she think I was P. Diddy? I once again used a variation of lol to show her that I was responding in a lighthearted manner. I told her again that she had me confused with somebody else. Even if I had been there, what was the point of her messaging me? Did she think I would get her VIP access the next time I was there? Did she believe this could be the start of a friendship? Oh well. I am Baliwala. I visit other cities and pretend I am a doctor to impress unattractive females. Oh yea. She was pretty ugly. Forgot to mention that. That is all.
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