
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Be humble

If you own a sports car remember that at any second if you decide to be a hero and hit the pedal to the medal, you could lose your life. If you are good looking realize that you're one knife fight or drug addiction away from being fugly. If you are rich or wealthy, realize that you are one night at the casino, one bad business investment, or one gold-digging girlfriend away from being broke. If you believe you are wise remember that one day your wisdom might run out. Wisdom is a well. Go to it too often and it will run dry. If you are religious, remember that humans are not perfect and the lifelong pursuit of it might leave you bitter and angry at God. If you are physically fit, remember that you are one binge-eating month away from being a heart disease patient. If you pride yourself on being sexually active, realize that you're one STD away from people being disgusted by you. I am Baliwala. I'm very happy with being average. You should be too. That is all.


  1. Great post. If only people realized the above mentions will humble one faster than anything.


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