
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I usually

Don't get involved with extra-circular activities, but today I did something a bit different. All the clubs from my institution of higher learning were signing people up. The first club, and the one with the most commotion around it, was the Gay club. No problem. I'll just scoot myself past the table. As soon as I do this, a gargantuan man starts booty-shaking. Problem. I looked around and saw that nothing really interested me. Then I came across a bunch of people around monitors playing video games. One of my old co-workers was sitting behind the table of the video game club so I decided to say hello. I then proceeded to watch others play some fighting game. I think it was Street Fighter. As the crowd grew, so did the body odor. My goodness that shit was foul. Then I looked at the faces of the people who emitted this stankyness. I'm sorry to say they looked like the typical video gamers. Clothing that 6th graders wear that was probably purchased at Wal-Mart. Hair looking like they just woke up then rubbed their scalp against a concrete wall. Patches of facial hair with no uniformity. Weird vernacular that they heard probably watching Pokemon. I then had a decision to make. Should I involve myself with these people? Should I take the plunge and go into the darkest depths of society., I said yes. I'm no punk. I'm not scared. I asked my former co-worker to sign me up. He handed me a piece of paper that wanted some info. Where it asked when I was available, I said anytime. Not true but whatever. He then told me when the meetings were and what the club entailed. It was actually pretty interesting, but guess what? I'll give you some more time to guess. Time's up. I'm not showing up to that shit. I even put a real phone number and email. Do you think I'm going to respond to them trying to get in contact with me? I'll give you some time to mull that over. Time's up. Hell no. I don't have time to be plugging my nose to stop myself from vomiting because the idea of soap to some people is foreign. The reason I signed up was because I wanted those weirdos to feel like they weren't outcasts from society. To feel that somebody as cool as me, who wears blue jeans and Nike's would like to associate with them. I think it worked. Oh yea. There was a floppy-haired Asian kid. Just wanted to share that. I am Baliwala. When I shoot to kill, you don't come back to life. My high score can't be calculated. That is all.

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