
Monday, September 12, 2011

If I

Sat down with the Devil I would tell him that he has influenced me, but not as much as he thinks or wishes. I'd tell him that he has taken me to the edge but I pulled myself back when I saw over it. I'd tell him that I know he'll pop in and out of my life, but with each time, I mind less and less. It'll come to the point where I'd laugh at his presence. Kind of like seeing somebody with a clown wig on. Nothing too serious. I'd tell him that I've seen the damage he has done to the world and even people around me, but that does not increase my hate for him. For hate holds back anything and everything I try to do. I'd tell him that he's not as strong as he thinks. Kind of like a guy who only works out his biceps. I'd tell him that if we got into a fight, he might hit me a few times, but in the end I'd beat the dog shit out of him. I'm Tyson. He's an infant. I'd tell him that you are below me. Literally and figuratively. I'd tell him that in the past my anger could have rivaled his, but I have pulled back now because I know better. I'd tell him if he wanted my soul in exchange for anything I could dream of, I'd respond by giving him the lint out of my pocket in exchange for him to shut the fuck up. I'd tell him I am a fallen angel as well, but I'm steadily standing back up while he lays in the ruins. I'd tell him that the people who worship you are weirdos and social rejects. It really isn't cool to follow you. I'd tell him to stick around, because what he's about to see will blow his mind. I'd tell him that he's like henna; temporary. I'd tell him to crack a smile once in a while. It doesn't hurt, trust me. I'd tell him he looks like he fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. I'd tell him his temptations and desires and like a chubby girl, they look good from a distance, but worse as you get closer. I am Baliwala. I danced with the Devil and he ended up breaking his ankles. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bali=)

    Just wanted to say that I loveee your blog..whenever I come across it when I get time..your posts always cheer me up/make me laugh..keep up with the writing cuz your good at it..Best Wishes!!


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