
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We all

Have done silly things to attract the opposite sex. Hi, my name is Baliwala. You know me from such blog posts as "Big bitches with little voices" and "The guy who urinated in public." When I was 12 years old, I was way too shy to approach girls. Others around me were not though. That summer I was at a Pakistani Independence celebration. I spent most of my time walking around with a bunch of friends. Trying to look cool for all the little girls. There wasn't much else to do in a big park. I noticed that there were two White girls using the bike trail. Probably enjoying the weather. I wasn't the only one who noticed that. After a few rounds around the park, I kept seeing the girls, but they were off in the distance. About a half hour later I saw they were coming right towards my friends and I. They were slowing down to avoid an accident. As soon as they were near, one of my friends, who was wearing a hat backwards( what a G), pushed another friend into one of the girls. She fell but luckily for her onto grass. My friend then rushed up to her and said: "Are you ok?" She said she was fine. He then said " So can I get your number?" I was shocked. She kindly smiled and said no. My friend was quite surprised that she didn't give up the digits. Maybe if she had a scrape on her knee she might have been vulnerable and given him what he wanted. We'll never know. I am Baliwala. I hold girls at gunpoint when I want their number. That is all.

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