
Saturday, October 8, 2011

So check it

I woke up pretty early today and couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to get a haircut. I could have waited a couple of more weeks, but I wanted to get it out of the way. It was pretty hot when I got outside. Kind of a mind fuck considering it's almost the middle of October. Afterward I went over to a local restaurant to pick up a burger. The restaurant mainly has Mexican cuisine, but their burgers are awesome. After munching down I took a shower. When I went outside to have a cigarette after cleansing my body, I saw this odd lady that lives in my neighborhood. She has a decent sized rottweiler and keeps to herself. All of a sudden she stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. The dog laid down a few seconds later. She then began having a conversation with her dog. Kind of weird, but I've seen many dog owners do this. Then she looks at her dog and says: "EWWW! DON'T YOU JUST HATE CIGARETTE SMOKE?! ISN'T IT DISGUSTING?!" You know what's disgusting bitch? The fact that you're trying to have a full on conversation with a K9. That's what you cunt. I was pretty surprised. Did she think I couldn't hear her? She was across the street, but not very far. You know what else is sick? The fact that you probably engage in sexual relations with your kuta. Yeah I said it. You seem so disconnected with reality that you've made your own that consists of doggie treats and doggystyle, you curly-haired, wrinkly, walking vagina. Speaking of vagina, yours probably smells like rancid, flea infested dog hair. I understand that when you try to engage in discussions with humans it ends horribly because the left side of your brain is probably filled with Iams (Google that), but that does not change the fact that we humans exist and can hear your dog penis ravaged voice. I bet your half-retarded dog probably thinks the same. If they had a voice they'd let your retired librarian looking ass know how they felt. I am Baliwala. I don't speak dog. That is all.


  1. the dog whisperer was checkin' you out. & she probably figured that if she could provoke you in some way, she'd get your attention. cuz obviously, she wants to 'bow-chicka-wow-wow' with baliwala. Mmmhmm.

  2. wait a min, you said in a post a few days back that you could talk to animals on some Dr Dolittle tip! That's right, I pay attention! Shame on all the other blog readers who didn't pick up on that. Yea, I'm that nerd who asks comic book writers questions such as "erm, how come peter parked was wearing brown framed glasses in issue #76, page 8, panel 2...and then wearing black framed glasses on page 9, panel 3!? Huh?! Is this some type of magical universe where glasses transform on their own!?"

  3. Good find. I speak to animals telepathically. I don't use words.


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