
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Boring people who don't know why they don't have friends

The reason you don't have friends is because you're boring as fuck. Your conversing skills are very limited. To make matters worse you are in denial. You blame the other person for being boring. Well motherfucker, if you had something I could build upon then we could have an actual conversation. If I ask you what you did today or even the past week, and you respond with: Nothing, the convo is fucked. It's a dead end. Nothing more can be said. Have no fear, hope isn't lost. Try reading. Try staying updated with current affairs. Try listening to music that doesn't sound like shit. Watch a movie. Travel. God damnit, do something.Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Chances are people might like you for who are you. I know it sounds crazy but it's true. I am Baliwala. I will talk to you until you are my bestest goodest friend. That is all.

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