
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Every Indian/Pakistani

Guy says they're a DJ or they drive a sports car. Every Indian/Pakistani girl says they bellydance or have done modeling. This is what I have encountered in my many years of dealing with these people. A Desi guy will tell you hes a DJ if he has a big pair of headphones an iTunes on his computer. He will tell you he's a race car driver if he paints the hood of his Camry a different color from the body. A Desi girl will tell you she bellydances to try and impress guys by showing she has somewhat of a slutty side. She will tell you she has modeled or is an aspiring model to make it seem like she is attractive and many guys lust for her. Ladies and gentlemen, please cut this shit out. We all know you're lying. We just don't have the energy to call you out on it because we can't wait to tell others we know. This will result in a laughing fest at your expense. I am Baliwala. My hips don't lie. That is all.


  1. But I am a model.. and Pakistanian.
    -A Friend of Kiran's

  2. My boyfriend is a deejay and desi also.

  3. i am a pakistani girl. i am not a model or a model wannabe. i agree, some girls just say shit to make themselves feel better. same goes for the guys.

    p.s i will following your blog religiously now.



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