
Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's hard to take a nap

When you have kids outside shrieking. Look I know it's still summer for you guys but I'm lazy. I need to sleep at least once during the day. Within 2 minutes of closing my eyes I began to hear the screams of what sounded like an army of kindergartners. I didn't mind at first because it stopped for a few minutes. It started again. This cycle repeated for about a half hour. I really wanted to go outside and tell them to shut the fuck up but I was too tired. If I had gone outside it would have been horrible. I would have been mumbling and rubbing my eyes while telling them that it isn't polite to be so loud. I am Baliwala. If children continue to act up I will hit them in the throat. That is all.


  1. Those poor children.
    don't you remember being young and annoying?

  2. I was not that annoying when I was kid. I had very good manners. Thank you very much.

  3. lol "get off my lawn"!


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