
Saturday, August 15, 2009

People who constantly ask me to update my blog

Yeah I'm talking to you. Listen, I know you can't get enough but there's only so much I can do. I only have so much energy and time. The Spice Girls said it best: "Too much of something is bad enough." They were right. Do you want to overdose on Bali? I think not. Moderation is key when it comes to this blog. 4 out of 5 doctors recommend that this blog should only be read when needed. It is highly habitual. People have ruined their lives because all they want to do is stay at home and read my entries. They have lost friends. They have alienated their families. I'm going to go back to talking to you on Facebook and pretend like I didn't write this. I am Baliwala. You might as well call me Rockafella cuz you don't stop, can't stop reading this blog. That is all.

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