
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Motherfucking bullshit

So I woke up today and went to have a cigarette like always. When I put on my left shoe I could feel something tickle. All of a sudden a small mouse jumped out. So I jumped. Shit was surprising as fuck. When I jumped I banged my left ankle on the china cabinet. I went out to smoke. I was calm. When I came back inside I immediately became furious. I started cursing under my breath hoping that lil fucker would show his face again. I would be ready this time. Within five minutes my ankle starting to hurt. I didn't want to look, but I did anyway. I'd had swollen up. My brother told me to put ice on it. I told him that I was ok. Two minutes later shit was hurting bad son. I was ahhhh gimme dat ice! And I wasn't talking about jewelry. The swelling has gone down a bit. I should be ok. I am Baliwala. I'm switching my major to mice exterminator. That is all.


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