
Sunday, April 3, 2011


You can give the world to a person and not even get an island in return. Sometimes you can save someone's life and they will try to destroy yours. Sometimes you will lend your shoulder for someone to cry on and they'll ask for the other. Sometimes you can hold a door for a person and not get a thank you or smile. Sometimes you can change the course of somebody's life and they'll discourage you from the path you're on. Sometimes you let a friend borrow $20 and then they'll ask for your credit card. Sometimes you'll take the blame for the weed or liquor found because you want your friends parents to think their child is perfect. Even with this being said, do not let this discourage you from being yourself. Do not give up the good fight. Do not let cynicism discourage you from showing compassion to your fellow man. Do not let your experience damage your right and desire to stand for what's right. Always speak the truth. Slay dishonesty. Uphold the moral code of the righteous. I am Baliwala. I will help you up even if you plan on bringing me down. That is all.


  1. very genuine i'm impressed :)
    great post btw !

  2. "I am Baliwala. I will help you up even if you plan on bringing me down. That is all."
    it made me tear..


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