
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The other night

When I chillin maxin out shootin, JK! It was about 1 AM and was bored at my computer. I check my phone because it's usually on silent at night, I don't want to be disturbed. I see I have a missed call. I call it back. Nobody is picking up, then just when I am about to hang up, somebody answers the phone. The voice was groggy and fobby. I asked politely who called. They responded with:"I NO CALL YOUR PHONE." I start laughing. This had to be a joke right? Nobody speaks like that. Ok they do but only in movies. After exchanging names and him denying that he called, I ask him if it was possible that somebody might have called my number from his phone by mistake.He replies with:" DIS IS MAH PERSOHNAHL PONE. ONLY I MAKE CALLS PROM IT!" Chill out bhai saab. It was just a question. Guess what? The next day I check my phone and he called again. Is this guy trying to piss me off? Does he wanna throw down downtown? I didn't bother calling back because I didn't feel like laughing my ass off. Or maybe I would have gotten infuriated when he would deny calling me from his "pone." I am Baliwala. I get late night bootycalls from fobs. That is all.


  1. haha you always leave a grin on my face

  2. haha you always leave a grin on my face.


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