Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to a Chicago Bulls game. Until about Wednesday, I thought my friends and I were going to a Chicago Blackhawks game. What happened was my friend informed me that we were going to the Hawks game. I thought he meant the hockey team. If he didn't then he should have said the Bulls game. I don't give a fuck who they're playing. I want to see Derrick Rose bust some ass and break some skulls. In my foolishness, I didn't take the time to think twice and thought my other friends thought we were going to a hockey game as well as you can see below.

Then later I found out that I had been wrong the whole time, which was about over a week. I even told others I was looking forward to going to a hockey game for the first time. The word uhhh came to my mind when this conversation took place.

Oh well. Shit happens. The plan was for my friend and I, who is a neighbor, to pick up another friend then meet another person at a restaurant called the Billy Goat Tavern that is located by the arena. When I see my friend we were supposed to pick up I assumed the driver did too. I thought it would be funny to wave at him as we passed him by to make it look like we weren't going to pick him up. I assumed wrong. The driver kept going. I thought he was looking for an opportunity to make a U-turn or turn back around. Because of this I started talking about my old Bulls championship I had. Then about a block later, my friend said " Hmmmmmm, I don't see this place he was talking about." I then told him that we passed him blocks ago. He said that I distracted him. Whatever. That wouldn't hold up in a court of law. So we pick our friend up. Traffic was crazy so it took about 45 minutes to reach the restaurant. The Billy Goat Tavern is very famous in Chicago for their "cheez borgers" as they pronounce them. When I waited to order my food I felt good. I was to about to get my grub on then watch live basketball. When I was asked for my order I said I would like a cheeseburger. The guy said they were out of those and were only serving doubles. I said I would take it. Then I realized that if you have enough meat for a double cheeseburger, you should definitely have enough for one. My friends told me it was an old tradition. Fuck that. I got hustled over a cheeseburger. This is something that is going to take a while to get over because cheeseburgers are among my favorite things. While eating I noticed two men in line that were probably from the Indian subcontinent. I don't like to judge, but it looks like they were supposed to vegetarian, or at least not eat beef. I thought it would be funny if there parents saw them what reaction they would have. The walk to the stadium was very crowded. Just before reaching the doors, I almost lost my friends in the crowd. While trying to catch up to them, the same two Indian men from the Tavern were right behind me. They passed me on the curb. One of them then said to me, while walking at a brisk pace, something odd. "HEY BRO, THANKS FOR KNOCKING ME INTO THE STREET MAN!" Granted, he did end up walking on the "street" of the stadium, but there was not any traffic at all. Also, he was about 10 inches off the curb. My first gut reaction was to catch up to him and knock the living dog shit out of him. I luckily brushed it off and moved on. We found out seats pretty easily. There were very good. The only thing that bothered me is that I had to keep getting up so people could leave or get back from their seats. The only thing that made this tolerable was that two seats to my left sat a gorgeous female. I didn't mind her passing me by, but I did mind the convicted felon that she was with. It was like he broke out of prison just that night to take out his girl. Speaking of convicted felons, there were many.I even saw a person with a teardrop tattoo. Not something friendly to see when you're waiting to use the bathroom. The game was very good. Bulls won. When I went to look for a bathroom during halftime, I saw something odd. Not only did I see a bunch of Desis, but I saw a bunch of Desis that were all in the same mood. This mood was glum. The looks on their faces was like deja vu. It reminded me of the Pakistani concerts I used to go to. Desi guys huddled against a wall looking at their phones as if it had the secret to life. Desi girls wearing too much makeup and pretending that nobody can see them, then acting shocked when they spot a pair of eyes cross their line of vision. Young Desi kids with their dads who have no idea what basketball is, but are accompanying their offspring so they could have a good time. I didn't see the Indian guys from before. I'm glad I didn't. I might talk about what happened afterward at a later date. I am Baliwala. I will knock you into the street. That is all.
I was "lol" when you guys drove past your friend hahahaha