
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm proud of myself

Because today I controlled an impulse. What was this impulse you ask? The impulse to yell out "that's what she said." For those of you who speak to me, you know how much I say it. Hell, I even say it when it is not needed. Today in class I successfully accomplished overcoming my addiction. We all have that one person in each class who has to speak every chance they get even if it has nothing to do with what is being discussed, or even the class in general. When I walked in today I tried to spot this person. It's something I've been doing the last few semesters. I could not spot this person. Usually it is pretty easy. The person with the messiest hair and most out of fashion glasses is the one who wants to have a conversation with the professor. Within a few minutes the person made herself known. I was going to zone out after I found this out, but she said something in response to the professor that caught my attention. The professor said, when concerning the syllabus:"I like being behind rather than ahead." The weirdo who sat in front then said:"I like behind!" WOW! I had to bite my tongue. I think it might have bled. Guess what happened next? The brief conversation repeated. Holy shit. I think they wanted me to say "that's what she said." I had let a Ha for a second but played it off like I was clearing my throat. After that incident the rest of the class was a blur. All I remember is the professor talking about pizza and the weird girl screaming about how she wants to go to grad school. I am Baliwala. People are afraid to have intelligent conversations around me in fear I will say something childish and run away. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. don't worry baliwala I'd chase after you lol hahaha


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