
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This entry goes out

To all the bitches out there that think they're the shit, but really aren't. You know who you are. Chances are you might be reading this. If that's the case, read this carefully. If you do any of the following things, you are a bitch that thinks she's the shit when she really isn't. Let's begin. Start by taking a deep breath. Here we go. You have insanely high standards when it comes to men and you think you have this right because you're hot. Truth is you climbed the ugly tree, slipped and hit every branch on the way down. You throw on tons of foundation to hide your acne to go clubbing. You wear open toe shoes and slutty dresses in extremely cold weather. You and your "bitch squad" think you're the hottest things around and try to prove this by posting pictures with intense flash. These pics are usually taken in bathrooms or corners of shady places. Mainly crack houses. Your idea of an attractive man is a male who is in medical school. You think being forced into the field of medicine by your parents makes you smart, when in reality if you didn't obey them they would ship your punk ass in a dingy cardboard box to their country of origin to get married to a stranger. You obsess over a male celebrity to the point where you believe they think about you as much as you think about them. You think your neat handwriting makes you unique. You think having a twinkie will make you gain weight because you think you have an awesome figure, when in reality you have the baby fat of 50 babies. You run and tell your friends the second any male on this planet looks in your direction. You think you're pious if you put a quote from a religious book as your Facebook status. You think straightening your hair makes you 10x prettier. Your idea of a good time is dressing up, going to a public place and standing around. You think you have a sense of humor, when in reality you have the sarcasm that rivals a homeless leper. You pretend or exaggerate pain or illness as a means to act cute or to get sympathy. Your think your biggest accomplishment is having white teeth. You constantly put down other females of your own race/ethnicity because you think doing 5 crunches a day makes you better than them. You think girls who use tampons are whores. Your phone is mainly used to text your female friend to tell her how much you love and miss her. You think you're career minded because you wear dress slacks and work at the mall or a salon. Anytime you pass a guy you purposely smile, tilt your head down and look back up to see if they're still looking at you. You think being a virgin gives you an automatic ticket to heaven, when in reality nobody wants to fuck you. I am Baliwala. If these girls are what is normal, I will become a mass-murderer. That is all.


  1. dam i have heard of brit paki girls now american paki girls.....

  2. you are a hater. i like it.

  3. Hey... these white teeth are becoming to be a rare thing nowadays... haan.

  4. Are you talking about me? Because if so, YOU CAN FUCK OFF!

  5. "Anytime you pass a guy you purposely smile, tilt your head down and look back up to see if they're still looking at you."

    this is so fucking true lmao


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