
Thursday, January 21, 2010

People always ask me

If they are the subject or inspiration for my entries. The answer is hell yes. Here's the thing, sometimes I'll tell you directly if it is, sometimes I won't. You know why? Because certain people can't handle the truth even when they say they can. That's how it unfortunately is. When some people ask me to be completely honest, and I am, the other person usual ends up in tears. My entries are usually sparked by conversations I have with people and not personal attacks. Then there are certain posts where I do try to rip somebody a new asshole. I'm just G status like that. I'm here to keep the readers modest. Whenever you feel like your ego is getting huge, I'll be right there to knock your donkey ass back to reality. Other posts are just past stories or about my day. When I have an entry that comes off as a generalization, let it be known that my opinion is based on my personal experiences. You don't have to agree, as a matter of fact, I'd prefer that you don't agree because then a discussion can be sparked. For all you people who sit and read and tell yourselves that you're not like the people I write about, stop lying to yourselves. It's ok to admit your flaws. I am Baliwala. If you're reading this, YES THIS ENTRY IS ABOUT YOU! That is all.

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