
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I love my Phillipino neighbor

Especially when he's drunk. He tells me stories about his days as a young man in the old country. His stories are always filled with whores and alcohol. What makes them even funnier is that his broken English is further distorted with intoxication. From time to time he'll stagger while talking. If anybody comes outside of their house, he'll start waving and say "HAY NAYBOHR." They return the hello because he's been living there for a long and is always so nice to everybody. One thing that I do not like is that he likes to expose his huge gut when he's drunk. Out of nowhere he'll lift his polo and start patting his stomach. It isn't for the faint of heart. Last night he told him me what seemed like dozens of stories. One story was about how he was moved up to first class in an airplane, then proceeded to ask a female passenger if she wanted to watch a porn with him on his portable DVD player. She refused the offer. Her loss. I am Baliwala. I want to you buy you a drank.

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