
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Shoutout to

The Oipagalpari Blog for selecting me to receive the Liebster Blog award. You can read her blog by clicking here I'm not sure how this exactly works, but I'm supposed to tell 11 facts about myself and answer 11 questions that were posed to me. Here we go. 11 facts about myself
1. The only musical instrument I have ever played is the tabla. I actually posted a clip of me playing it on here a while go, but I don't play regularly. 2. I sometimes sleep upside down so when I wake up I get surprised. It helps me start the day off with some adrenaline. 3. I have kept facial hair as long as I can remember. This is because if I don't I look like a child. 4. I read the 1997 Guinness Book of World Records. 5. I was so tired one morning I left the house with a sock hanging out the end of my jeans. 6. I used to peel the foil off of gum wrappers out of boredom. 7. My friend's pet mouse once got loose. I tried to help my flipping over the sofa to see if it was there. I crushed it. 8. My grooming products mainly are from Irish Spring. 9. I bump my funny bone into something at least once a month. One of those times was today. 10. I get dehydrated and migraines quite often, but I'm a soldier. So it's all good. 11. I sing a lot even though I don't have a good voice. I sing in the shower, in my room, in public, and during pretty much any activity. Mostly Desi songs. 11 questions 1. Do you believe in making your own destiny or being taken on it's decided path? You HAVE to make your own destiny. The second you think you're on a decided path is the second you give on on free will, choice, and expression, and when you do that, you're pretty much dead. 2. What are you most proud of? I'm proud of the fact that I've stayed true to my own thoughts and morals. 3. What is your favourite flavour? Hmm. Tie between strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, coffee, cheery, sour apple, apple, banana. Yea, I don't have one. 5. Velcro, Zipper or Snap button? Definitely zipper. The sound of a zipper going up and down in magical. *insert perverted joke* 6. What is your life's motto? You can't control people's actions but you can control your reactions. 7. Is the carrot half eaten or half left? Half eaten. 9. What was your favourite subject in Junior School? History, because it was the easiest. Just memorization. 10. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? (If yes, where?) Never broken a bone. Had sprains though. I'm not very adventurous. 11. Girls: After the age of 14, have you ever worn running shoes with a skirt? Boys: After the age 14, have you ever worn a cap with a checkered shirt? I probably have. I used to own some weird Old Navy shirts that were checkered, along with various hats that I got for free. Sorry about the format. I'd change it but I'm too lazy, and you probably already noticed in the questions part numbers 4 and 8 are missing. I copied and pasted. It's ok. It happens. Thanks once again to RehyaBond for the award.

1 comment:

  1. :O I just realized.. (Ques. 4 & 8)
    Thanks for pointing it out :)
    And I didn't think you'd actually answer my questions! Thanks for that too..


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