
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I am

The one light post on your street that works. I am the $5 dollar bill you find when doing your laundry. I am daylight savings time in the spring. I am the cooler side of the pillow. I am an extension for the paper in your class. I am the water fountain in the middle of your marathon. I am a Fillet Mignon on a Friday night. I am the air bubble in your Nikes. I am what makes your blood clot. I am your emergency brake. I am the Nyquil you take when battling a cold. I am the distance between point A and B. If Johnny had 5 apples, but ate 2, I'd be the 3 remaining. I am the blue and red pill. I am the person who will tell others to leggo your Eggo. I am the kick you use to get the stuck Snickers bar out of the vending machine. I am the aloe in your aloe vera. I am Baliwala. I am the people's champ. That is all.


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