I don't do this often because I am very lazy, but I made an exception for this situation. A friend of mine told me that some guy wanted them to pretty much stalk my Facebook because I was friends with his girlfriend. He wanted this friend to see if I had ever had any communication with his girlfriend in the past year. When I heard this news I got infuriated for some reason. I then sent him a friend request. It was denied. After some research of my own I found out that his girlfriend was on vacation, so he felt free to snoop around. This is what I call a Grade A bitch boy.
Then I get this:

Moral of the story: If you do not trust the person you're in a relationship with, maybe you shouldn't be with them. If you do not have the courage as a man to ask your girl simple questions, you lack testicles.
Well said... I think he is just insecure about himself and thinks she can do better than him and will eventually leave him.