
Friday, February 11, 2011

I am all for

diversity but sometimes it gets out of hand. I was in class the other day bored out of my mind. I started staring at the cute girl out of my peripherals. Please Google "peripherals" if it seems foreign to you. I still take notice of what the professor is saying. It's a skill I am gifted with. I was suddenly alarmed when somebody yelled out. I had a hard time making out what they said, but I'm sure they said "deeper". It didn't sound like that though. It sounded like "dipper". The Milky Way Galaxy came to mind then the Milky Way candy bar came to mind. Don't ask me why it just did. Then about 30 seconds later another word perked me up. This time it was "ease". Instead of that being said "is" was shouted. The professor didn't even understand this person. He asked over and over, and over and over "is" was being screamed. I let out a ha but stopped before I got noticed. After snapping back into it I looked ahead of me. You know what I saw? I saw the Pakistani dude that I had recently befriended. I thought about some words that he pronounced wrong. You know what happened next? Out of nowhere this guy spoke up. You know what he said? He said "powerty". That's right folks. He's the type to buy a VW, and pronounce the first letter like the second one should be pronounced. My head dropped. For once The South Asian wouldn't have to be the one with a heavy accent but he ruined. I am Baliwala but you can call me angrayze ka bucha. That is all.


  1. you're not an angraiz ka bacha you're an angraiz..I'll get back at you..


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