
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Some of you

Mofos are way too easily amused. Some of you would die laughing if you saw a tree branch swaying in the wind. If I showed you a picture of a dead homeless man, you're stomach would hurt from chuckling. You know why? Because you do not know the meaning of comedy. I blame the internet for this. It has given too many people on this Earth a voice. Meanwhile, worthwhile guys like me, are lost amongst the stupidity. It's like drinking a soda without fizz. It's like watching the NBA without Jordan. It's like J-LO without her booty. These are the same people that keep washed up mofos like Adam Sandler relevant. One particular person comes to mind. A girl in one of my classes earlier this semester. This hairy-armed gorilla would laugh at everything the professor would say, even when she wasn't trying to be funny. At first I thought she might have been mentally challenged, but after further observation I realized her funny bone was too big for her body, and it needed to be removed. I used to laugh at her because I like laughing, but then I quickly changed my mindset. What made me do this was seeing her arm hair, which I mentioned earlier. That shit made me very upset. Call me crazy, but I feel that women with hairy arms should be limited in their laughter. Weird, I know, but whatever. I know what you're thinking...what if they get their arms waxed? The answer is yes. They can giggle all they want. I am Baliwala. You'll never see me poke a dead pigeon and laugh. That is all.


  1. how true.
    real comedy is all about making fun of girls in your classes that have hairy arms.

    what genius.

  2. ^ it made me laugh :x


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