
Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Old Podcast. Enjoy.

Click here

Monday, April 22, 2013

My new kicks

I keep it simple.

Could this

End up being a problem when prosecuting the surviving Boston Marathon bomber?

Click here

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Podcast I did a couple of years ago. Click here

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Monday, April 15, 2013

As a child

I used to love Legos. It was probably my favorite thing to play with growing up. I never made anything extravagant, but check out these pics. Some people have wild imaginations and great artistic ability. Click here

Saturday, April 13, 2013

In the time

     I have been blogging, I have come to find out that there is a small portion of people who visit this site to find out "secrets" about me. They think if they go back far enough in the archives they will come across an intimate detail about my life. It doesn't work like it. I only post things that I hope people will find entertaining. You will never catch me discussing any personal problems or how bad my day was, unless there is a comedic aspect to it.
     Recently a crazed recent arrival to Canada felt the need to leave disparaging comments on some of my posts. Not only did he do that, but he spent hours going back to older posts. Why? Maybe because he wanted to find out something personal about me, or maybe he was bat-shit crazy. I assume the latter is true.
     Finally, to those who have asked me or might ask me in the future to make a post about them, please stop. What the hell am I supposed to write? "Hey, my friend is cool...?" When I have asked numerous times for people to guest blog, I have never received a reply, but when I'm in my normal routine of posting, that's when the various messages of "heheheh make a post about hehehe how much you heheheh love me heheheh" come out. You can assume the gender of the people who ask me this. I am Baliwala. Just like Nas said: "People will only move on you if you weaknesses; I have none." Well I do, but I'm sure as hell not going to tell you. That is all.

I almost

never takes pics of myself, so enjoy this while you can. Click here

Check it out

Super amazing 3D tattoos. Incredible! Click here

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

You need a new hobby

This person spent 5 hours on  my blog. During this time they chose to leave multiple paragraph comments about how much they "hate" me. These comments were in Punjabi and broken English. My favorite "insult" left by this illegal alien was: "I HOPE A GIRL ENTERES YOUR LIFE AND BREAKS YOUR HEART!" Notice how the word "enter" was spelled. I know you're reading this now. I suggest you  see a doctor and get a prescription for blood pressure medication. If not, you might suffer a stroke soon.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Amazing photos

That have not been photoshopped. Click here